How long will my job take?
Our standard lead time is 5 working days from receipt of job ready artwork (and materials if you are supplying) . A shorter lead time may be possible but please advise in advance. This may incur additional cost to cover overtime cutting, and these will be incorporated into your quote.
Can double-sided tape be applied to my job?
We can apply high strength 3M 467 film to plastic sheets prior to laser cutting on rear, front or both faces (charges apply). Metal parts cannot be cut with this film on them.
Can acrylic panels be cut with vinyl pre-applied?
No. We cannot laser cut vinyl as it gives off a toxic gas when ignited by the laser.
How accurate is the laser?
We can achieve a tolerance of 0.1mm when cutting on the laser.
Will you cut exactly what is on my file?
We will compensate for the thickness of the laser beam when setting up so that the finished item matches your required dimensions.
Please note that when cutting metals of 3mm or thicker, we need to radius all sharp corners by 0.5mm for smooth cutting . For metals of 6mm or greater , this increases to a 0.7mm radius and 0.9mm if over 10mm in thickness.
Materials cut on the router will have the radius of the cutting tool on all internal corners.
How can I pay for my job?
Our preferred method of payment is credit card and this can be done through our Online Payment page.
Payments can also be done using credit card over the phone, or by direct deposit.
Please note that some debit cards will not transact successfully
We do not accept cheques as payment.